My Smart City District
Energy efficient renovation strategies for cities
8 projects involving 27 districts belonging to 25 cities from 13 different countries have joined forces for greater leverage in sharing contents and promoting energy efficient renovation for cities and communities leading to large-scale replicability of sound energy efficiency solutions. The My Smart City District initiative provides a coherent and common communication outlet to disseminate the projects’ achivements and best practices towards other cities, stakeholders and the public at large. Join our events, social media networks and efforts towards greener and smarter cities!
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25 cities: one agenda
(Click on each one to get more info)

- Aachen (DE)
- Bratislava (SK)
- Milan (IT)
- Sestao (ES)
- Tampere (FI)
- Vienna (AT)
- City Cluster »

- Lund (SE)
- Laguna de Duero (ES)
- Soma (TK)
- City Cluster »

- Bolzano (IT)
- Innsbruck (AT)
- City Cluster »